Special Notice
We are aware that some of our customers are having trouble with paying online. It is an issue on PayPal’s end.
Please try clearing your cache (you can google how to do this). Or try using a different browser.
Also be sure that all the information you enter matches what is on the card (name, address, etc).
You may also pay with check, money order or bank check (if you do any online bill pay) your name is your account number with us. We do have a payment box where you can bring payments to. Be certain your name is on the payment, so we can apply it to the correct account.
Holiday Notice:
Upcoming Holidays:
We will be closed Memorial Day, Monday, May 26th. All Monday customers will be picked up on Tuesday. All Tuesday customers will be picked up on Wednesday. All Wednesday customers will be picked up on Thursday.
Upcoming Holidays:
We will be closed Labor Day, Monday, September 1st. All Monday customers will be picked up on Tuesday. All Tuesday customers will be picked up on Wednesday. All Wednesday customers will be picked up on Thursday.
Our full holiday schedule for 2025 is available for you to print on the website.
Contact Us
2839 Liberty Dr.
Corsicana, TX 75110
Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
We can not accept payments by phone.